West Jordan sleep dentistry

Dental anxiety and the more severe dental phobia impact many people, including some of our Jordan Landing Smiles patients. Today’s post answers some questions asked about this vital topic, and describes sedation dentistry.

What are the long-term consequences of dental anxiety and dental phobia?
The most harmful consequence is when a dental phobic patient delays dental care until a pain becomes excruciating. At this point, the problem is usually extremely advanced and requires extensive treatment.

Additionally, there are usually many other dental problems in varying stages of progression. Many oral conditions eventually cause malfunction in other vital systems risking general health and well-being.

There is also another anxiety at play, albeit a very ironic one. In addition to the emotional distress about dental treatment, the patient who avoids dental care starts panicking about the sorry condition of their teeth.

What if I need help to get through treatment?
Sedation dentistry is the answer. There are two types of sedation used at Jordan Landing Smiles.

1. Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, or, informally, “laughing gas” is safe and effective. Nitrous oxide has been used in West Jordan cosmetic dental offices for decades because in many ways it is the optimal mild sedative. It goes to work at the first inhalation, relaxes the patient during the treatment without rendering them completely unconscious, and wears off quickly after the mask is removed. And no needles are required – a key feature for the needle-phobic.

2. IV Sedation
IV sedation produces actual “sleep dentistry.” Most patients are completely oblivious to the dental procedures they are receiving. IV sedation is useful for root canals, wisdom teeth extractions, multi-procedure smile makeovers, and oral surgery.

To learn more about dental anxiety and sedation dentistry, talk to us at West Jordan Dental Office. We also provide general dentistry. Make an appointment today.