If you are looking to keep your smile in its best form, it is important to continue to clean your teeth and gums on a daily basis. Your teeth will wear down with age if they are not properly taken care of, so it is important to keep them clean and free of harmful acids and bacteria.

Although your teeth will begin to wear down naturally from the stress, chewing and eating, it is possible to strengthen them naturally to ensure they last as long as you do. The first and most important step is to always brush and floss. Brushing at least twice daily and flossing once per day is an important step in your oral health care routine and one that should never be avoided. Other helpful tools you should consider include avoiding bad habits like smoking and using drugs, as well as exercising caution when biting into hard foods that could chip or crack your precious pearly whites.

In order to ensure your oral health care is working at its best, don’t forget to schedule regular checkups with your dentist, as well as biannual professional cleanings. Your dentist will make sure to diagnose and repair any issues you have with your smile, and make recommendations should you require extra assistance.

If you would like to schedule an oral examination or professional cleaning, please contact West Jordan Dental Office. We look forward to seeing you smile bright this season.